Green surfing

This website is green because of green web design and green hosting. The webdesigner assures me this in his e-newsletter. Every year, my surfing habits account for emissions similar to a 1,400 km drive. My website itself is an electric drive of 1,228 km and turns out to be dirtier than 59% of all websites tested. Green? I take the figures and see that annually, with 10,000 views a month (dream on, haha), this website has a footprint of half a sumi wrestler, that four trees absorb that footprint and that I can make the website more efficient. Those four trees (equivalent) have been planted and with SEO, I can pick customers more targeted from their search. I thought SEO were mere ego-tripping, now it turns out they serve the environment!

My website builder optimised my visuals and the scan now says: better than 51%!

How crazy is it that “sitting, typing and reading” affect my climate profile so much? A few newsletters richer, I realise: I am personally engaged and I see a series of areas for improvement in one (efficient!) mouse click. So is the approach with my clients: it’s down to processes and systems, but the personal implication lies in the will and vision to tackle them.


SEO might not appear to have anything to do with website efficiency but in practice the goals of SEO are inherently aligned with the goal of reducing energy consumption. When optimising a website for search engine rankings, we are helping people find the information they want quickly and easily. When SEO is successful, it results in people spending less time browsing the web looking for information, and visiting less pages that don’t meet their needs. This means that less energy is consumed and the energy that is consumed is used to deliver real value to the user.

Keep it Quiet